

Why a Community Foundation?

Community foundations help build and strengthen community, bringing together people and organizations that want to make a difference. As a tax-exempt public charity, we support philanthropy and are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the area we serve.…

Greater Evansville Health Survey

Since 2008, the Welborn Baptist Foundation has periodically commissioned large-scale, multi-county health surveys to provide useful trend data on chronic disease prevalence, overall health status, health behaviors, and access to health care in the Greater Evansville region. Vanderburgh, Warrick, Gibson, …

Greater Evansville Health Survey Project  – Executive Summary

Since 2008, the Welborn Baptist Foundation has periodically commissioned large-scale, multi-county health surveys to provide useful trend data on chronic disease prevalence, overall health status, health behaviors, and access to health care in the Greater Evansville region. Vanderburgh, Warrick, Gibson, …