

Facebook Marketing Strategy: A Guide for Nonprofits

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, you’ve probably discovered that social media is an invaluable marketing tool for your nonprofit. It’s free, it’s global and it’s quickly becoming the future of communication, media and entertainment. But as platforms rise and fall …

Nonprofit Annual Reports

Annual reports can be used to highlight a nonprofit’s mission and impact, thank volunteers and supporters, and make a case for donating to the organization. What makes a nonprofit annual report compelling?…

What NOT to Include In Your Nonprofit’s Annual Report

Creating a relevant, fact-filled, Nonprofit Annual Report is a tall order! It has to communicate your funding needs and program accomplishments while showing donors how their contributions made difference. How can you develop something that meets all these goals and …

Creating Your Nonprofit Annual Report: Full Guide & Template

Nonprofit annual reports sometimes get a bad rap in the mission-driven world. After all, it can be stressful and time-consuming to distill an entire year’s worth of your nonprofit’s work into a single report that is digestible, engaging, and convincing.…