Poverty Hub

Within the Poverty Hub, you will find a wide variety of resources focused on the community topic. As the platform continues to grow, resources will be added. If you have resources you believe would be helpful for the community, complete the Contact form in the Menu. Let’s grow the Grow Library together!

Why is this topic important? As a community, we must make sure every family has access to education and job opportunities, food, shelter, and health care to prosper and thrive in our region.

Poverty Resources

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    For Evansville Podcasts 

    For Evansville is a nonprofit organization that helps churches, nonprofits, and community leaders work together to address systemic challenges in Evansville. Their podcast series provides a platform to learn about and understand the city well from a variety of leaders, residents, and change agents.  
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    Opportunity Insights 

    Opportunity Insights, a research group based at Harvard University, has the mission to identify barriers to economic opportunity and develop scalable solutions that will empower people throughout the United States to rise out of poverty and achieve better life outcomes. Their team of researchers and policy analysts work together to analyze new data and create a platform for local stakeholders to make more informed decisions. This resource includes the Opportunity Atlas and Social Capital Atlas data resources with local and regional data, along with papers and courses. 
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    Social Vulnerability and the Legacy of Redlining  

    A comparison tool of the historical 1930’s Home Owners Loan Corporation “redlining” map of Evansville with the more current Center for Disease Control’s Social Vulnerability Index scores for census tracts. The tool helps provide understanding of the relative continuity or changes in vulnerability from past to present for areas of the city and the residents who dwell there. Note: There may be language/terms used especially in historical documents that do not align with language that is currently accepted and honoring of all residents.
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    State of E

    For Evansville is a nonprofit organization that helps churches, nonprofits, and community leaders work together to address systemic challenges in Evansville. They have identified 5 primary areas of focus that act as a guide for pursing transformative impact together.

What else would you like to see?

Please use the contact form to submit suggestions, share SAVI “success
stories,” and or suggest data be included in future data enhancements.